A bit 'of everything ..... In the days spent at home I did not do great work, I preferred to rest and hope that soon the pain in my arm systems. I made a film of intensive care, some that I just never looked at why do not you just love them .... but the moment of boredom has helped us to see them also.
But a few hours I certainly dedicated to small projects .... Here they are together
Cosine who have actually applied for a few hours of commitment ..... But
Let's look better ....
biscornu My first ever .... never done one ... but it was fun! In
Emiane ecru, pink wire Atalie gradient and pattern from the book "Au fil du temps passe here"
A small initial gift to my mother for her birthday.
from an old alphabet Sajou on raw linen corded Sultane Atalie
A free
found somewhere, but surely the French (and I apologize to the author), on cream linen with DMC 414 and 349
Another free, some revised and updated,
of Miss T. Very simple rustic aida , a Christmas tree, some pearl white ... and this may be my Salpin for February 2011
And finally a bearing on a dull pink aida. With black yarn, some pearl a small sampler from "De fil en aiguille" in August 2009.
It may be my project in February for the Sal Colors
Iulia Of course now that I look at it ... is very "dark lady "....