No news ... good news .... There is an old saying that goes just like that .... is usually used for those who just disappears and comes back with good news, however, or with everything normal.
Unfortunately it is not my case .... my arm just does not want to view, and after cortisone, painkillers, magnetic resonance imaging, electromyography, and a pair of hits from neurosurgery, it was found that there is a cervical hernia. It will
alas .... to an intervention inevitable .. just because after all this care .... I'm still as before, except with unpleasant side effects.
So .... even after you cry .... I took my courage in both hands and I confirmed the operation. Now wait just a waiting list that I hope will be shortened: the wait is certainly unnerving.
Then take a few days in hospital but recovering with a collar .... a month or so.
Despite the hard time I finished my Country Bloomers: I was beyond "out of time" but is now completed and I like ... .. I like very much. Judge for yourself ....
And then ... .. a small bearing on linen 11 threads with blue dmc thread 802, some blue beads and a pattern of free Sal colors for the Gazette .. of
Iulia ... the stage in March .......